Attendance Letter
As we start the new academic year, we are asking for your support in improving whole school attendance and punctuality. During the Covid-19 pandemic it was necessary for pupils and families to isolate if they or a close contact tested positive. That is not now the case and it is essential that we return to our previous positive attendance rates.
The impact upon children’s education through lost learning is significant. At a time when so much education has been disrupted it is vital that we make every school minute count. Unbroken attendance at school is important for learning. Please ensure that your child is in school and on time every day to prevent them falling behind with their learning and to minimise, as far as possible, the longer-term impact of the pandemic on their education, wellbeing and wider development.
Government departments track school attendance figures. Attendance of 90% or below is persistent absence. Failing to improve persistent absence can lead to prosecution, which we want to help families avoid. No school or local authority wants to take legal action, and every attempt to resolve concerns and improve a child’s attendance will be made before any formal action is considered.
Peacehaven Community School has a whole school attendance target of 96%. Promoting high levels of attendance and taking action where there are unsatisfactory reasons for absence is a school priority.
There are things you can do to improve your child’s attendance and avoid falling behind:
● If your child is unwell and you are unsure whether to send them to school, contact the school to seek advice on 01273 581100
● Do NOT take any holidays during term times
● Keep up to date with what percentage attendance your child has so that you know if they are at risk of falling behind
● If you have concerns speak to school staff without hesitation
● Know the routines of the school day to avoid issues
● Talk regularly with your child about school and how they feel about it. They are more likely to attend school if they feel supported and that their anxieties are being listened
● Praise, reward and encourage good attendance
Punctuality is also highly important. Pupils who arrive late to school are not only losing learning but also disrupting the learning of others as they arrive late for lessons. We want to help families get their child to school on time. Here are some things you can try:
● Have everything your child needs for school prepared the night before
● Ensure that your child goes to bed at a reasonable time, so they are not too tired to get up in the morning and ensure a good night’s sleep by minimising their use of devices at bedtime
● Encourage your child to attend breakfast club or morning study sessions.
Thank you in advance for your support. I hope we can work together to make improvements to attendance, punctuality and lost learning.
Yours sincerely
Rachel Henocq