Support for Parents

Hub of Hope

The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It is provided by national mental health charity, Chasing the Stigma, and brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place for the first time.

Understanding self-harm in children - video and factsheet:

Social media: a guide for parents:

Parenting Smart: mental health advice for parents:

Click here for the poster

Family Hub

Emma Moreton from the Survivors Network is setting up some new groups in the East Sussex and Brighton and Hove area. Emma has booked Community House (Meridian Centre) from 4 – 5pm beginning Weds 17th April for 4 weeks to hold a Trauma Recovery and Wellbeing Group. If we could please give me the names and contact details of any interested self-identifying females that are wanting to take part, that would be great.

The purpose of the groups is to equip and support young people aged between 14 - 18 who are at risk of sexual violence and/or recognised as needing support around healthy relationships, self-care, understanding consent, boundaries and more. Emma can also offer specific groups focusing on feminism, and becoming peer advocates and allies. The groups will be responsive to needs so can be set up for self-identifying females or self-identifying males, LGBTQ+, as required.

Please contact Emma directly or email with name of the student and we can pass it on to Emma.

A parent/guardians guide to understanding why your child
may be eligible for support as a Young Carer

CUES - Coping with Uncertainty in Everyday Situations

This is CLASS+ offer for parents of neuro-diverse children or those on the pathway who are in mainstream schools.

CLASS+ are in the process of recruiting parents to attend this course which helps parents to support their young people to manage their anxiety by helping them. It is a bit like a combination of graded exposure and the Homunculi. It is a really interesting adaption of CBT that has been developed by Jacqui Rodgers at Newcastle University and is seen to be more successful than other interventions for autistic children and those on the pathway).

She is also looking at how to develop this as a psychoeducation package for teachers to help support young people manage change within a school environment and I will keep you posted about this interesting development.

Click here to sign up

Wednesdays from 7-9pm- Eastbourne FREE
17 Jan, 24 Jan, 31 Jan, 7 Feb & 6 Mar

participants need to be able to attend all 5 workshops

Click here for full details

Parenting Guide | East Sussex
What’s On –
July, August and September

Cost Of Living Support
Discretionary East Sussex Support Scheme

East Sussex School Health and Children’s Services

School Health One Point (SHOP) The front door of our service is the School Health One Point (SHOP). This is a single point of access, referral and advice open from 8.30-5 pm Monday to Friday. Stakeholders and parents/carers can use this line to discuss current or potential referrals, arrange school training or other general advice.

Chat health for parents and young people (11-19) for health advice: 07507332473

School Health One Point & Priority Access Point Telephone: 0300 123 4062

School Health One Point Email:


Find us on Facebook – East Sussex School Health Service

Text your school nurse

Holding Space

Brighton & Hove Parenting Team Service

Are you struggling to manage your child’s behaviour?

Are you worried about your child?

Would you find it beneficial to meet with other parents who are feeling the same way and to look at some ideas which may help your family make changes?

We offer a wide range of courses and workshops (during the day and evening) with the aim of supporting you to make positive changes within your family in a safe and friendly environment.

Click here to find out more

Turn On The Subtitles

Did you know that by turning on the subtitles at home on your TV's children's content, you can double the chance of your child leaving school a proficient reader?

If you haven't already done so, please do spend a couple of moments switching them on for your child's profiles and help them continue their reading journey (unknowingly!) over the school holidays.

Holding Space

Supports around 130 children and their families on an individual basis at any one time, receiving referrals from social workers, school staff, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), doctors surgeries, and parents themselves. In addition, we run parenting groups to offer new ways of doing things and get the best from children, which provide very supportive networks for parents.

Contact: Nicola Dudley, COPES Coordinator, Action in rural Sussex, Wessex House, 212 High Street, Lewes BN7 2NH Tel: (01273) 407336 -


Helpline open Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm. Fridays 8.30am to 4.30pm. Please leave message at other times. If you cannot call our helpline, ask someone to call for you. We may be able to visit you at home or arrange an interpreter.
Phone: 0345 60 80 192 or text 07797 870317 -

Travellers and English as an Additional Language Service

Offer advice, training amd support
Phone: 01323 464 210 - EAL Team
Phone: 01323 464 215 - Traveller Education Team

Under 19 Substance Misuse Service

Service for anyone under 19, or parents/carers who are concerned about their child's drug/alcohol use.
Phone: 01323 841470 for an appointment.
Information shop @ The Joff: 01273 583354

For advice and support with drug and alcohol issues please call or email us. You will be asked for a contact number and someone will call you back the same day.

Ground Floor,
St Mark's House, Hawks Road,
14 Upperton Road,
East Sussex BN21 1EP
Phone: 1323 464404

Further information

Woman's Refuge Project Outreach Service
Advice, support and information for women experiencing domestic violence.
Phone: 01273

Is a charity which supports women, children and young people affected by domestic abuse in Brighton & Hove and across West Sussex.
Phone: 01273 622 822
National 24 hour Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247

We have a support centre located in Eastbourne and another in the city of Brighton and Hove. Contact us at Brighton and Hove
01273 234007
Support anywhere else in East Sussex: 01323 642942
Address: Eastbourne, BN21 3QY

Care for the Carers
Is an independent charity which supports unpaid carers in East Sussex who look after a relative, friend or neighbour who is frail, disabled, and/or has a long term illness. - 01323 738390 -

Claude Nicol Centre
Drop-In clinic Thursday 3.30-5.30pm.
Phone 01273 664721 for appointment.

Haven Lounge
Peacehaven Youth Centre, The Joff. Health Drop-in. Fridays 4-7pm and Wednesdays 7-9pm.

Newhaven Youth Drop In
Community Centre, Denton Island, Newhaven. Wednesday & Thursday 4.30-6.30pm.
Contact Kay 01273 517250 -

Summerhayes Centre
Marshall Lane, Newhaven. Open 9.30 to 5pm Monday to Thursday & 9.30 to 12.30 on Friday.
01273 612360 -

Peacehaven Clinic
Monday evening 5-7.30pm (drop-in 5-5.30pm).
01323 416100 for appointments.

Meridian Surgery
Clinics on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday all day, by appointment but drop-in’s will be seen for sexual health matters.
01273 588200

National Agencies

Family Lives
Family Lives is a national charity providing help and support in all aspects of family life.
Free Parent line: 0808 800 2222

Children's Legal Centre
Free legal advice on all aspects of the law affecting children and young people.
General enquiries: 01206 714650

Bullying UK

Advice and information relating to bullying.

Alcohol and Drugs

Confidential Information and advice regarding drug and alcohol abuse.
0300 123 6600

Internet Safety

Think U Know
Website run by The Child Exploitation and Protection Centre (CEOP) Information and advice for parents. Internet abuse or concerns can be reported here. Always call 999 if you think someone is in danger.

Domestic Abuse

Offers a range of services which gives women and children access to professional support in relation to domestic violence regardless of their situation.
0808 2000 247 (24hr helpline) -

Men's Advice Line
Is a confidential helpline for all men experiencing domestic violence by a current or ex-partner. This includes all men - in heterosexual or same-sex prelationships. Their focus is to increase the safety of men experiencing domestic violence (and the safety of their children) and reduce the risk. - 0808 801 0327 -