Learning Beyond the Curriculum Week

Students at Bude

...and what a week it was! Despite possibly having the worst weather forecast this year to date, PCS students and staff did not let the weather deter them from making the most of all of the fantastic opportunities across the week.

Everybody threw themselves 100% into all of the activities on offer - whether they were in the UK or abroad, onsite or offsite.

Every activity lent itself to ensuring that students worked towards the five ways of wellbeing - Be Active, Give, Take Notice, Connect, Learn Something New.

Students returned from Bude in Cornwall, Normandy in France and Sorrento in Italy full of excited tales of their accomplishments. Hundreds of photographs and memories have been shared. Students in Sorrento

With over 30 different activities on offer, there really was something for everybody, sporty or creative, calming or active, students embraced the opportunity to learn new skills - from our PCS blanket, made up of squares crocheted by students and staff, to the marvellous mosaics that you will be able to see around school from September. Getting crafty with wood, creating new garments from old clothes and reusing crisp bags to make jewellery and household objects, students surpassed themselves with the items they created.

Watch this space to find out how you can see and hear all about the creative writing projects and the films made during the PCS Oscars. The talent show was an event not to be missed, including stand up comedy from Olivia E in year 7 alongside stunning singing performances, solo and group, performed with such confidence.Creating Mosiacs

146 students across the week made sure that every last piece of waste was cleared from the beach and will not be going back into our seas to be swallowed by marine life. Lots of it has also been used to create some fantastic art work, as well as our incredible whale sculpture which has been created from the flotsam and jetsam treasures that they found on the beach. This will be unveiled in September. Students are in the process of deciding on a suitable name for it.

For the sportier students, beach volleyball, Bushy Wood adventure day out, the mountain biking experience, Piddinghoe Lake water sports, team building and multisports provided them with an opportunity to learn something new. Not to mention students who did so well on the walk discovering the Cuckmere Valley with its very steep hills up into Friston Forest.

Tent building skillsThe list of activities was endless - culturally students discovered more about Japanese lifestyles and language, others did a lot of Spanish food tasting and cooked their own Basque cheesecakes and Paella.

For the gamers, board games and Dungeons and Dragons provided a change from gaming in the digital world that students are used to and gave them an opportunity to collaborate and chat whilst playing, as well as creating their own new games.

Learning hospitality skillsCommunity links featured across the week, with students visiting Downlands Court to spend a fantastic morning with elderly residents in our community, strengthening our intergenerational relationships. Students who embarked upon the 5-day Cordon Bleu option hosted an event for our community partners worthy of any Michelin Starred establishment!

PCS is very proud of the well-deserved feedback that the students received.

‘’The Mayor would like to thank all involved with the amazing luncheon which was prepared, cooked and served by the students at PCS. An extremely well thought-through menu.

All courses were tasty, the servers were attentive and achieved well above expectations.

Congratulations to all involved in putting this lunch together, WELL DONE, and thank you very much for the invitation’’. - Cllr Debbie Donovan Mayor of Peacehaven

‘’I just wanted to let you know how much my students and I have enjoyed this week.

I watched some very reserved students blossom, new friendships form, and new talents surface.’’ - PCS Staff member - onsite activities.

"Just wanted to reiterate how much of a fab week last week was! I am so excited for it to run again hopefully next year! Looking forward to the students showing off all the amazing things they've done! It sounds like loads of them grew SO much across that year."

"We definitely are exhausted but it was a great week and the pupils did PCS proud….lots of positive feedback from the tutors." -
PCS Staff member returning from Bude.

Students creating a human pyramid on floating platform"Just wanted to say a big thank you for two brilliant days down at the lake. The students were great and so nice to hear the instructors singing their praises today." -
PCS Staff member returning from Piddinghoe

"For the whole week students have applied themselves with credit, but a special mention to the following Year 7 students who attended on Friday. Mackie B, George S, Harry S, Bertie C, Katia CP, Niomie M. It was requested by the instructors to make special mention of these students for their politeness and keenness to follow instructions. Well done to them!"- PCS Staff member returning from the biking and bike maintenance day

"Very many thanks for a superb meal last Friday. Everything, the dining room, the service, the food choice, quality and presentation was outstanding.

I am very aware of the hard work needed to produce such a successful event, you must be very proud and happy. Thank you for including me, it was a real privilege to be there.’’Member of the Community who attended the Cordon Bleu event.

I just wanted to reach out and say thank you! My son has had the best week."
-PCS Parent

‘’As we said our goodbyes and walked back to PCS, many of the students expressed how much they enjoyed their morning and that they would wish to visit again. They were able to show their appreciation after lunch when they wrote thank you cards and letters, which I am confident will be loved by the residents. As staff were extremely proud of how the students represented PCS and showed exactly what a community school should look like.’’ - PCS staff member returning from Downlands Court

Students have been asked to give feedback on the week and put forward any ideas to inform future planning. We will be working with the student leadership team to see what we can make happen for July 2025!!


We have had a fantastic start to our Learning Beyond The Curriculum Week with lots of students pushing themselves out of their comfort zones to try something new. The feedback has been amazing. We have been delighted today with the positivity and enthusiasm that so many of our students have displayed and can not wait to see them all again tomorrow for more activities.

Students group photo in Bude

Students in kayaks on the river

At Harry Potter Studios

Playing Jenga

The PCS Community are really looking forward to our first ever Learning Beyond the Curriculum Week

Students are being offered a choice of 30 different activities to support them to practise wellbeing as well as enhance their personal development.

5 Ways to Wellbeing Booklet
Learning Beyond the Curriculum Week Booklet

Learning Beyond The Curriculum Information Sheet
Learning Beyond The Curriculum Information Sheet