
Curriculum Intent

At Peacehaven Community School, our Sociology curriculum exemplifies our commitment to outstanding education, fostering an environment that enables students to aspire, believe, contribute, and achieve. Through the study of Family, Education, Crime, and Social Stratification, our students gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between individuals and society, while also developing crucial critical thinking and analytical skills.

Our curriculum supports our vision of producing well-rounded, knowledgeable, passionate, and empathetic young individuals who actively engage in their democracy, understanding various political issues and their place in society. By providing students with opportunities to explore academic texts, news articles, and data from diverse sources, we promote their literacy, numeracy, and oracy skills. Our curriculum is carefully designed to develop students' cognitive and social-emotional skills, equipping them to excel in an ever-changing world in their chosen career.

Our Sociology curriculum demonstrates our unwavering dedication to nurturing ambitious, responsible, and compassionate global citizens, ready to understand and contribute meaningfully to society and achieve their full potential.

Harriet Ward - Head of Sociology -

KS4 Course(s) Offered

Year 10

Students follow the AQA GCSE specification for sociology.

  • Term 1: An introduction to sociology
  • Term 2: Research methods: how do sociologists learn about society?
  • Term 3 and 4: The Sociology of the Family
  • Term 5 and 6: The Sociology of Education
Medium Term Plans
Term 3
Sociology of the Family
Term 4

Year 11

  • Term 1 and 2: Crime and Deviance
  • Term 3 and 4: Social Stratification
  • Term 5: Revision 
Medium Term Plans
Term 3
Social Stratification
Term 4
Social Stratification


Homework is set fortnightly through the digital platform Seneca. Homework should take roughly half an hour to complete, and will take the form of digital quizzes based on content learned in lesson.

“Everything is interesting because it is always relevant to you.”

“If you want to do things like Psychology when you’re at college it’s a great starting point.”

“The thing I have found most interesting is the crime module. I liked learning about crime statistics and why people commit crimes.”